03. - 05.02.2020: Silvia

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03.02.2020: Popayán to Silvia

We drove uphill to La Bonanza campground near Silvia and got a really warm welcome. Kika and Anouar are from Morocco and travelled for three years around the world and then set up their campground here 5 years ago.

They had to overcome huge difficulties travelling with their three children aged 7, 8 and 9 at the time because Moroccan passports are not accepted in a large amount of countries! They ended up becoming ambassadors for their country, having to contact the consulates of various countries to get permission to enter. A fascinating story!

Then they bought a finca in Colombia five years ago which was previously owned by the top man in the Cali drug cartel!! They told us they don't go exploring too much on their land and definitely don't want to find any tunnels!! We spent three nights there and at 5-30 pm every night we were invited up to their terrace along with all the other campers for mint tea and snacks. We chatted for four hours or more every evening and had lots of fun.

04.02.2020: Silvia

On our second day, Kika took us into the local village, Silvia, which is approx 15km further towards the hills, and gave us a tour of the market. The indigenous people here have their own passports, laws, and regulate their own health and education systems. No foreigners are allowed to park on their land without permission.

The market was fascinating and we got to try a lot of weird and wonderful types of fruit. I can't remember all of the names so you'll have to watch the video!! It was a super tour and we realised that everyone knows Kika!!

We went for cappuccinos and cake at a local restaurant and then Kika needed to go and get the rest of her shopping done and return home. She explained how we could get a bus back and we went off exploring the village. We took a look at Belem church which was closed and took lots of photos of all the murals. Photographer Kirsten was in her element!

Afterwards we went for lunch - papas rellenas - large fried mashed potato balls filled with pork, rice and a whole egg. Yummy!! We also had fresh fruit juices - blackberry, lulo, guayabana for Kirsten and a (quite bitter) maracuja, mango for me.

We bought a plant as a thank you for Kika and then followed the instructions to buy a bus ticket and get back to our campground. A very interesting day!

05.02.2020: Silvia

We were invited for a spaghetti bolognese lunch the next day, along with the other campers and only had time to go back to Winnietwo for coffee, before returning at 5-30 pm for the regular evening chat. I think we did more talking in those 3 days than we had in the last three months!!!

No, I'm not complaining because we had a fabulous time, Kika and her family are fabulous hosts and they have the best hot shower in Colombia!!

Tour in Popayán. Great market in Silvia. Bird paradise Finca Finca Alejandría.