29.02. - 02.03.2020: Cartagena

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29.02.2020: San Juan Nepomuceno to Cartagena

I had searched for ages looking for possible overnight stops in both Barranquilla (for the carnival) and Cartagena but there really weren't many suitable places. So I just marked some on MapsMe and we'd have to check them out in person and make a decision.

We'd missed the carnival so now we wanted to meet up with Janette in Cartagena. She was guiding her group of RVs along the Panamerican Highway and we'd been sending her tips and info as we headed north. We had been a few weeks ahead of them but they'd overtaken us and were already in Cartagena.

We got stuck in lots of traffic coming into Cartagena and it took us one hour to get through the city to a Parqueadero (parking area) where we were hoping to be able to stay overnight. There was plenty of space and we were negotiating a price for parking for 3 nights plus electricity. The security guard needed to phone up the manager for a price for electric and was told not to accept any more motorhomes!! Damn!

So we drove to find our next option, Hotel Española but we couldn't find the entrance. Our GPS kept telling us to turn right into a solid wall!!!! Okay, the hotel must be behind it! We found a gated entrance and asked the security guard. He said the hotel was full but there's an apartment that is available.

We drove in and spoke to the owner and took a look. It cost $20 US per night with a small kitchen, bathroom and bedroom plus a lounge area. We could have it for 3 nights but she needed to clean it and get it ready. No problem. We said we'd come back 3 hours later at 6pm. Then we reversed into a tight but shady spot at the side of the building and walked to a nearby shopping mall and found an ATM that accepts foreign cards.

We checked out the area nearby and also picked up a few supplies. It was just after 6 pm when we returned and the owner, Donna, showed us around the apartment and told us how to use the oven/cooker, switch on the gas and operate the shower etc.

Finally it was time to transfer our things inside, switch on the fridge, and get ourselves sorted out. We also put the air conditioning on in the bedroom to cool it down. I did some hand washing and we also spent almost 4 hours watching our favourite TV programme, Let's Dance. It's the German version of Strictly Come Dancing.

It was after midnight by the time we got to bed. We're not big fans (!) of air conditioning so we switched it off. But it got too hot fairly quickly and I had to switch it back on ... then back off again. In the end I set it for 26°C and just left it running.

01.03.2020: Cartagena

The next day, Sunday, 1st March, we had arranged to meet Janette at 7-15 pm in the town so we had the day for sightseeing. First though there were lots of things to do - hand washing, fetching drinking water from our motorhome, and fetching our toilet so I could clean it. So we didn't set off until 11-30 am.

We enjoyed walking through the colourful, narrow streets in the Getsemaní area where there were lots of murals for Kirsten to take photos and one street had lots of umbrellas hanging above us. We also explored the old town. We must have walked over 12km ... and in 40°C heat!!

We went back to our apartment for coffees and a snack and left again at 5-20 pm. We were going to take photos before meeting up with Janette, but she obviously had the same idea because we saw her getting out of a taxi!! So then I went on a tour with 2 photographers!!! (Oh boy! Stop, go, stop, go. Stand there, no a bit further over, move out of the way!!) I think we did 2 streets in 2 hours!! :)

We were taking photos of the clock tower when we were joined by Uwe and Marion - they are leading a second group of RVs and they're all here together to ship all the vehicles over to Panama. It takes 4 days for their vehicles to arrive in Panama so they have a couple of nights in Cartagena before flying to Panama City for another 2 days of sightseeing.

We walked to a vegetarian restaurant for a meal together and spent 2 hours happily talking about our travels. Unfortunately Janette had to leave early - one of her group had broken a toe and kneecap! Pool accident! The injured woman was travelling alone, driving her RV but she wouldn't be able to drive anymore. All the RVs were due to be loaded onto the ship at 02-30 am, i.e. in about 4.5 hours so Janette had to leave to sort things out.

It was really good to meet up with her again. It's only been the second time over the last 16 years but we've had several near misses where we were very close geographically but just didn't manage to meet!! We found out later she'd paid for our meals! Thanks Janette!

We enjoyed our meals - Kirsten had a sesame salad and I had hot purple rice with broccoli, mushrooms and edamame. Just a bit too spicy hot for me!! We stayed with Uwe and Marion and walked around the city. Uwe took us into a very nice 5 star hotel for photos. On our walk back we had to avoid too many drunken men but got back safely at 11 pm.

02.03.2020: Cartagena

The next day we went on a bus ride to Bocagrande. It's a sandy peninsula where all the big tourist hotels are, including the Hilton where Janette and her group were staying. We just wanted to say thank you for our meals and say goodbye. But it was obvious that she was under a lot of stress with lots of things to sort out and not much time! So it was just a quick "Hello, thanks and goodbye!!"

We enjoyed walking on the beach and seeing all the hotels and then got the 20 minute bus back. It only cost us 75 cents each way. We spent another hour or so taking more photos of murals because we only have 6,000 so far!!!! It was way too hot so we walked back to our apartment to cool down and have coffee and cake. Later we walked to the large Jumbo supermarket where there is a food court and had a chinese. Kirsten had a sweet and sour from "Long hang" (!!) and I went to Mr Wok for a veggie chop suey.

Sightseeing in the heat. 40°C in the shade.