13. - 24.05.2022: Cusco

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The first thing we needed to do was work out where we were going to store Winnietwo or whether we were still going to drive the 6,000 km to Uruguay and hope to find storage there.

We spent 3 or 4 days checking out various places for storage here in Cusco. We found out we could leave our vehicle here but it has to be signed off by the police and customs. There's quite a bit of paperwork but it's possible and we can leave the vehicle in Peru for up to 12 months.

We had various offers, different prices, took buses to take a look at some of them and had to enlist the help of really nice locals on the buses to find out where to get off!! We had to write WhatsApps in Spanish and try to get voice messages translated because we just couldn't understand some of the storage owners!!

In the end, after a lot of work, we decided to leave our motorhome at the campground with Mily, who made us a decent offer and helped us with all the paperwork, police and customs.

We also managed to take a look around Cusco and enjoyed the daily menus at restaurants - a very cheap way to eat. We took a look at the indoor market where the meat section, with all the dogs and flies, would make everyone vegetarian!!